OSV – Second Thoughts CD (Independent release)
The all-star instrumental project that features drummer Gary Oppert (Virtual Reality), bassist Steve Sexton (founder of the mythic band Oblivion Knight that recently re-released their stuff through Steel Legacy Records, check http://www.steel-legacy.com for further details) and Keyboardist/Guitarist Brandon Vaughn released their second effort and prove once again that their talent is inexhaustible. It’s pretty amazing to witness an all-instrumental Progressive Metal/Fusion CD that doesn’t include even a single boring or tasteless moment, due to lack of vocals! Well, these guys have gained insight to the above mentioned musical genres and definitely know how to compose brilliant music, which is strongly focused on melody. “Second Thoughts” features also virtuoso guitarists like Marcel Coenen, Jonas Tamas, Agah Bahari and Borge Olsen that contribute their unique style and the outcome is pretty diverse and innovative! OSV is maybe a grandiose example of talent, gathered in an album, so I am pretty sure that all enthusiasts of music that stands the test of time will obtain this work! Deeply emotional melodies, combined with inspiring and sensational solos, along with memorable riffs is the big advantage of the project. Some may be believe that creating an album with musicians that cannot join you directly in the studio is an enterprise, but OSV prove this opinion wrong. The project is definitely down to earth; they do not make grandiose plans about becoming one of the most famous projects in the world, but they surely have accomplished their goal, but composing music away from boundaries and clichés. I state myself as a fan of their talent and as soon as you get their albums, you’ll become one too! Check the band’s mySpace profile for further info: http://www.myspace.com/osvsecondthoughts

Dimitris Starakis
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