Christos Nikolaou (Mythodea) – Ultimate Pain song (featuring John West)
I never remember myself having written a full review for a single…song! My good friend Christos Nikolaou, a great guitarist who is completing the Mythodea project, is working for a disc that will definitely features some bright names of the scene like Jonathan Marshall, the always amazing Vitalij Kuprij on keyboards and of course the one and only John West! Let me clear something first: I am a HUGE fan of John West’s vocal abilities and I can never stop enjoying his solo works, his Artension albums, his amazing work on Royal Hunt etc. I must also admit that I don’t like his latest project, Ten Man Push, since John’s voice is destined for more “sentimental” situations. Well, the song “Ultimate Pain” is clearly the best song West has sang after his departure from Royal Hunt! Even Emir Hot doesn’t have such an inspiring song in “Sevdah Metal” (ok, let me exclude “Stand And Fight” from the sentence, he, he!). The song is truly fabulous and it is written for John’s warm, passionate voice, so you can expect some vocal wizardry from one of the most important singers of our scene. Christos made the perfect choice for “Ultimate Pain” and I really want to encourage him to feature John West in more tracks of his forthcoming CD! This is the John West as we love to worship!!!! Check the song for yourselves:
Dimitris Starakis

Dimitris Starakis
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