7th Reign – S/t CD (Independent)
When I first received the 7th Reign CD, I had a strange feeling that it will be a major highlight. And thankfully I was 100% right! The U.S. quartet was formed in 2005 by guitarist Marios Panayiotis (yes, he is a Greek!) and ex-Eidolon vocalist Brian Soulard. The man who helped these two musicians to meet was none other than Glen Drover (ex- Megadeth / Eidolon guitarist). The band, after completing its line-up, started rehearsing and at the same time composing the songs that would end in their debut CD. During the recording of their 1st album, Fuz Z, the bassist of 7th Reign left and it was time for a third Eidolon member to join in. Adrian Robichaud joined forces and the recordings were completed with the band feeling absolutely satisfied with the final result. The CD was officially released on March 2007 and it featured 8 brilliant songs. I am using the cosmetic word “brilliant”, because a fan of the U.S. Power metal scene can now find in the album everything he is longing to listen! Wonderful and powerful vocals, astonishing riffs and a solid rhythm section is what 7th Reign consists of. Marios has the ability of composing songs that are destined to become immediate classics such as the neck breaking “Defied” (the chorus is a fine example of what U.S. band can only offer!) or the 10 minute long Opus “Asylum”. He is also adding a Neo-classical atmosphere to the songs with his highly-demanding solos and riffs that are storming out of his Stratocaster, something which makes the sound of the band so special. In the closing track titled “Executioner”, Marios present also his marvellous abilities by composing an 8-minute long instrumental track, without having any dull moment in it! He is without doubt a virtuoso and a true leader of the band. 7th Reign, along with Mindwarp Chamber, Katagory V etc. continue the great tradition of the U.S. Power Metal bands and they are proud messengers of the great heritage that was established form bands like Oliver Magnum, Mystic Force, Lethal and many more. I am pretty sure that their talent will not be wasted and their debut will not stay unnoticed. 7th Reign can offer much more ground-breaking moments since this is only in their very first step. As for you fans, what are you waiting for? Order immediately a masterpiece of the U.S. Power Metal Scene! Visit the band’s web-site: http://www.7threign.com/ and their mySpace profile:
Dimitris Starakis

Dimitris Starakis
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