Mikka: As I remember, it was in the early months of 2003. Till then I joined a few original bands mainly in
You have a great reputation as a band in
Are you satisfied from the sales of your records?
Mikka: No, I'm not. I hope much more people listen to our music.
Tell me about your guitarist, Hideshi Ueki. He is a guitar tutor in
Mikka: No, he's not a guitar tutor in
Have you ever thought of releasing your albums outside
You also sing in another band named Rahu (ラーフ). Could you describe me the style of this band?
Mikka: I started RAHU almost the same time as RMG. If I place RMG to HR/HM, I must say RAHU has the wide-ranging music style, singing in Japanese. Basically it's HR but sometimes pops, sometimes Celtic, sometimes funk.... and often people say it's progressive. RAHU could have horn sections or even dancers in the show! Such a free style music is RAHU's attractiveness.
You released two songs in the last couple of years, "Fiercest Warrior" and "Out From Under", but both of them were published in demo formats. When do you plan to release your new album?
Mikka: We're just working for the new album. I'm not sure if we'll have those two songs in it yet, but I think we will. We'd love to release it by this winter.
Add anything you may want
Mikka: I appreciate that we have the good environment to express our music freely. Thank you for reading. To the members and the fans,
Band's website: http://www.geocities.jp/rachelmothergoose/
Dimitris Starakis
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