Black Fate – Deliverance Of Soul promo CD

How can someone be totally objective when he listens to the newest work of one of his all-time favourite Greek bands? Black Fate were formed in 1990 in Larisa and thrilled the followers of Greek Underground Metal by releasing two magnificent demos entitled “Black Fate” and “A Piece Of Dream”. In 2002 their first full length "Uncover" was released from Secret Port Records, presenting also some line-up changes. 5 years later, with singer Vasilis Georgiou in their line up, Black Fate released a promo including 3 tracks: “Blood Red Sky”, “If The Silence” and “Dying Freedom”. That particular “appetiser” showcased an almost radical change in the band’s sound, since Georgiou’s voice added a sentimental direction and made them focus even more on melody in their Power/Progressive Metal style. I remember being a huge fan of Herakles Fanarakis (the band’s first singer), but I must admit that their new singer is the ideal person for Black Fate’s new musical direction. Black Fate sound more modern than ever, but the refreshing breeze in their sound made them even more appealing. Passionate compositions and vocals (with an intense influence from Roy Khan, so you can understand the high level of quality!), great and mature musicianship featuring quite some catchy moments in their songs are the highlight’s in Black Fate’s trademark, so I personally believe that since the band is looking for a record contract to release this album, the labels must contact them! Don’t ask me to choose my favourite track. It’s impossible since I never stop enjoying the wonderful “Inner Warning Of My Soul” (fantastic chorus as always!), the astonishing “Blood Red Sky (with my favourite eastern influences, this song, along with “Dying Freedom” and “If The Silence” that appeared in Promo 2007 were re-arranged for this full length CD). There are also some fine acoustic moments like the song “Wicked”, while “Thorn In My Hand” is ultra-melodic, groovy and another highlight! "The Conscience Of The Brave” starts with a totally inspired riff and great leads while the tracks unfolds (you’ll meet a lot in this album!) and “Angry Silent Scream” is a mid-tempo song, featuring the heaviest parts of the entire album, along with a sing-along chorus! I would lie if I wrote that I didn’t enjoy every single moment of this album! Band’s mySpace profile: Starakis
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